The TK 95 R harvester is the ideal machine for small users, combining economy with harvesting efficiency. This is a self propelled machine designed to harvest hazelnuts, walnuts, olives, collecting them directly from the ground under the tree, after having levelled the ground below. Its effective brushing and picking system solves the problem of having to manually collect the fruit, therefore allowing you to get rid of sheets or nets under the tree and increase your hourly harvest output. The harvested fruit is placed in the machine’s container which, once filled, can be unloaded by manual side-tipping. This machine is equipped with a 2-speed mechanical reduction gearbox with a rotor motion on/off option and a 4-stroke gasoline engine.
Via delle Comunicazioni z.i. - 72017 Ostuni (BR) - Italy
+39 0831 304573
Monday to Friday
Morning: 8 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.